Unique and beautiful branding

We’re a playful and fun brand that doesn't take ourselves too seriously. That said, we're keen on keeping things quality. If you're gonna use our branding for something please keep it tasteful.


Please do not edit, change, distort, recolor, or reconfigure the Juiced logo. Ensure the logo is displayed in a clear PNG file, it’s important the detail within the logo is not blurred or faded

Download our logo's


Please only use our company name in formal business conversations. Public use of our name should strictly use our primary name, the use of our secondary name is only ever publicly applicable if there is confusion between another company named Juiced.

Primary name:


Secondary name:

Juiced IO

Company name:

Juiced IO INC


Selling made easy.


An app that helps sellers source, list, and manage inventory.


Please stick to our primary colours. Juiced uses a mix of Purple, White, Red and sometimes black. We like to keep things bright, hence the use of neon red and a colourful purple gradient

Primary text for all text aside from notes

Dark mode colour background and colour for unselected buttons on pop ups only

Dark mode colour for pop ups, table title background, items on hot items, unselected sliders and input field colour for dark mode

Colour for notes text, dark mode loading fieldsor scroll wheels:

Colour for the website footer, light mode loading fields or input fields:

Background colour for all emails

Accent colour and button colour for page, slider or back actions or hyper-linked text

(270° linear gradient)

Secondary accent colour and button colour for big or risky actions or error messages

Secondary accent colour and button colour for success messages

Secondary accent colour and button colour for notice messages

Amazon orange

Shopify green

eBay blue


Please do not use all caps when writing within or about Juiced. It’s also important to ensure that fonts are paired toghether appropriately, mixing bold headers and bold subheaders are a big no no.


Montserrat normal

Montserrat medium

Montserrat semi bold

Montserrat bold


Pairing no.1
Header: Bold
Subhead: Medium

Pairing no.2
Header: Semi bold
Subhead: Normal

RULE: Bold/semibold should never be mixed and normal/medium should never be mixed. For example you shouldnt have a title using bold and right below that there is a subtitle with semi bold.

Capital letters

Buttons: All buttons should have all words within the button starting with capital letters
Everything else: Everything else should start with a capital letter and no other capital letters

RULE: The use of ALL CAPS is strictly prohibited. Avoid using non black or white text unless there is reasoning (for example some hyper-links we may allow you to use our purple to highlight it).

Corner radius

Please if you plan to use a different corner radius within marketing or product related material, request explicit approval.

Pop-ups: 24
Small panels: 12
Buttons: 10-12
Input fields: 8



RULE: All icons should use the “Outlined” option. The density, size and colour should remain as the default option (1x, 24dp and black).

If an icon is not available via https://fonts.google.com/icons, please ensure the icon is approved before using it.