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6 Ways To Improve Your Product Page on Shopify in 2023

julio 29, 2023

The importance of a stellar product page on Shopify cannot be overstated. It serves as the frontline of your customer engagement, where decisions to buy or not are made. It’s your digital sales pitch, where you make your case to potential buyers that your product is worth their money. These days there are millions of Shopify stores and so making your product page stand out can be a challenge. However, this is something that is extremely important and so in this article, we will look at 6 ways you can potentially improve your product page on Shopify in 2023.

1. Optimized Product Titles and Descriptions

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We will start with some of the more basic ways in which you can improve your product page, before moving on to slightly more intricate methods. Firstly, we have Optimized Product Titles and Descriptions. SEO is vital in driving organic traffic to your Shopify store. As such, you should try and ensure your product titles and descriptions are full of keywords relevant to your product and industry. However, you must strike the right balance to do this in a way that reads naturally to the human eye.

An ideal title is a blend of your brand name, product specifics, and key features. When it comes to the product description, try to answer customer questions before they’re asked. You should expand upon product benefits, how-to-use information, materials used, sizing, and other relevant data. It can be a good idea to use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find the most impactful keywords for your product.

2. High-Quality Product Photos and Videos


Imagery is everything in e-commerce. No longer is it enough to rely upon images you grabbed from the internet which have been reused over and over. Instead, you need to use professional-quality, high-resolution photos that allow zoom-in to display your product’s minutest details where possible. This can be achieved with most smartphones, thankfully.

Another tip is to consider 360-degree spin images or videos to offer a more comprehensive visual experience. Also, show your product in context, how it’s used, its scale, and variety (if there are different colour options, etc.) when necessary. If budget allows, you could even consider including short product demo videos, depending on the product in question.

3. Customer Reviews

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Social proof is a powerful selling tool, especially in competitive marketplaces. Feature customer reviews prominently on your product page. The positive ones serve as endorsements, while the negative ones (should there be any) give you an opportunity to showcase your customer service. Consider using a review platform that allows customers to include their own photos of the product, as this adds another layer of authenticity. The main tip here is to ensure your reviews are displayed in a neat and tidy manner. Oftentimes, beginners display their reviews in a way which looks tacky and spammy which actually distracts from the product itself.

4. Product Variants

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Display your product variants (like colour, size, etc.) intuitively where applicable. Customers should easily see and choose between different versions of the product. This could be done using colour swatches, dropdown menus, or clickable images. When a variant is selected, make sure the corresponding product image and pricing information update accordingly so the customer doesn’t have to do it manually themselves.

5. Compelling Call to Action (CTA)

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Your CTA is the gateway between the product page and the checkout process. If your CTA isn’t compelling enough, visitors may never convert into customers. As such, you’re going to want to make sure it’s prominently placed, visually striking, and uses persuasive, action-oriented language.

Test out various phrases like “Add to Cart”, “Buy Now”, or “Claim Here” to see which generates the best response for you. Depending on the product you’re selling it may be best to create a sense of urgency or else a sense of clarity.

6. A/B Testing

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A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or other user experience to determine which one performs better. It’s essentially an experiment where two or more variants of a page are shown to users at random, and statistical analysis is used to determine which variation performs better for a given conversion goal. There are multiple things you can test using A/B Testing from the colour of your CTA button to the positioning of customer reviews.

The most important thing to remember here is that it’s about making data-driven decisions. It’s not about what you feel looks best but about what the data tells you your customers prefer. It’s also recommended to only test one element at a time so you can be sure of what caused any change in performance.


Well, there you have it – 6 Ways To Improve Your Product Page on Shopify in 2023. By incorporating these strategies, you can hopefully further optimize your Shopify product page to better improve the user experience, and ultimately, boost your conversion rates.